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But as well as nature positive changes
But as well as nature positive changes, we're starting to see an accumulation in the soil of organic material that is rich in carbon. This is why these habitats are such great interest to us." As the COP26 climate summit draws to a conclusion in Glasgow, he suggested that the protection, restoration and even the creation of new wetland habitat could be a valuable part of Scotland's efforts to reach net-zero emissions. "These sites take in some of this greenhouse gas for us. So we need to work with nature to achieve that balance of net zero," he said. "But of course, we have to reduce our emissions in the meantime. อ่านต่อได้ที่   :  โรงเรียนวัดพ่วง สาระน่ารู้   :    คางทูม อ่านต่อได้ที่   :  โรงเรียนวัดพังสิงห์ สาระน่ารู้   :    Empathy
Vložil: But as well as nature positive changes v 10:43 dne 23.11.2021


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