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Heather Miller
Geometry Dash is a brain game developed by RobTop Game - who had the unique idea of combining children's geometry with adventure-style gameplay. This exciting game is a series of 5 video-based games, with a total of 21 official levels. The goal of this game is quite simple, all you have to do is to lead your icon to the end of the level map, avoiding all the spikes that come in your way, the trick is: those spikes might be so hard to avoid, so the goal is simple but the way towards it isn’t at all. On your way to the end, you will go through many portals, that will take you from a game mode to a different one, the variety of game mode is what makes this game so unique, and those are the game modes: Cube, ship, ball, UFO, wave, robot, spider.
Vložil: Geometry Dash v 08:17 dne 10.12.2021


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