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New York court last month
In filings to the New York court last month, Andrew B. Brettler, the duke's lead lawyer, said the Epstein settlement's plain language would be clear once it was released to the public. "Epstein negotiated for this broad release, insisting that it cover any and all persons who Giuffre identified as potential targets of future lawsuits, regardless of the merit— or lack thereof —to any such claims," he said. "Giuffre's baseless claims against Prince Andrew... must be dismissed at this stage." อ่านต่อได้ที่ :  โรงเรียนมัธยมวัดไทรราษฎร์อุปถัมป์ สาระน่ารู้ :  การเงิน
Vložil: Somchai v 09:13 dne 04.01.2022


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