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Philippines gives driver compensation after oil prices soar
255e39217cf7a7efcb3bcc5c73048352.jpg Philippines gives driverSLOT XOcompensation after oil prices soar Reuters reported on Oct. 25 that the Philippine government announced it would approve a budget of around 1 billion pesos (about $653 million) to distribute cash to help 178,000 public drivers across the country, who face additional costs. due to continuously rising oil prices This is the only measure approved to save consumers from the Philippine government's rising oil prices. In addition, people called for a temporary suspension of excise taxes on petroleum products. Energy Minister Alfonso Cuzi said he had filed a request for the authority to temporarily suspend the collection of excise taxes. However, the Ministry of Finance has little controversy. Because officials are worried that it may affect the government budget to recover the impact of Covid-19. last week Mr. Cuzi met with representatives of the oil company to discuss the availability of oil and inquire about the possibility of discounting for oil users.
Vložil: Philippines gives driver compensation after oil prices soar v 05:49 dne 05.01.2022


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