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Pro vložení Vašeho dotazu - založte prosím nové téma zde
Yeon Seok
As the Italian philosopher Ilaria Gaspari notes in her recent book Vita Segreta Delle Emozioni (The Secret Life of Emotions), our attempts to suppress our emotions can simply add layers of "shame" and "fear" to what we are already feeling, alongside an envy of those who appear to be happier in their life. The resulting sentiment, she writes, is even "stronger and more tenacious" than the thing we were trying to avoid. อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนบ้านมะขามเอน  สาระสำคัญ บล็อกเกอร์
Vložil: As the Italian v 08:07 dne 05.01.2022


Ghosted Chris Evans Vest
Your blog provided us with valuable information. I am looking forward to read more blog posts from here keep it up!! Ghosted Chris Evans Vest
vložil: Mike Rooney | 14:07 dne 05.05.2023

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