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The seaside city of George Town
The seaside city of George Town, a historical trading port and the largest city on Penang Island, is considered by many Malaysians to be where teh tarik exploded in popularity shortly after World War Two. Strolling through its streets is like a whistle-stop tour of Malaysia itself: towering minarets sit next to brightly painted Hindu statues that sit opposite Buddhist temples. It's a cohesive jumble of diversity, and the perfect place for a drink born from multiculturalism to thrive. อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม  โรงเรียนบ้านหนองขนาก สาระสำคัญ  การสูบบุหรี่
Vložil: peach tree v 09:03 dne 05.01.2022


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