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The sea lettuce, dulse and nori
The sea lettuce, dulse and nori Le Corre forages to make the tangy, strong-tasting spread is organic and fresh off the rocks around Pointe de la Men Meur in Le Guilvinec. Long ago historians identified this flat granite headland, pocketed with bizarre lunar-like sinkholes, as the site of a quarry where millstones were dug out in the Middle Ages, and later, until the 17th Century, round stone bases for the many roadside crosses peppering this Celtic region in north-west France. อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนบ้านบึง สาระสำคัญ  เบาหวาน
Vložil: peach tree v 09:35 dne 05.01.2022


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