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What it means for super fans
For a while, Barnett took a photo of her audience nearly every night. She did it in Melbourne, her home city, in Montreal, Oslo, Chicago, New York and in London. There we are, the fans, again and again, glued together on sticky floors, arms aloft, smiling. We are strangers, randomly assembled, but at that moment close. It's a closeness that can take us to the edge of something like euphoria. And it's a feeling impossible to recreate through a screen. Being there, it takes you somewhere else. อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม> โรงเรียนบ้านนา สาระน่ารู้> เซโรโทนิน
Vložil: Lucia v 09:56 dne 05.01.2022


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