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Where do you feel! Parents let child infected with coronavirus 'go to school for 7 days' causing classmates to quarantine
5d919ea15e065d3449001ea678693f84.jpg American parents inโปรโมชั่น slotxoCalifornia send their children to school when they learn they have COVID-19 This caused 75 other students to quarantine and skip activities during the past Thanksgiving. Dr. Brett Gaithman, School District Administrator Larkspur-Court Madeira in Marin County told CNN the parents of an elementary school student dropped their child to school up to seven days after the child tested positive for COVID-19. As a result, another 75 children at Neil Cummins Elementary School had to begin quarantine on November 19. The sick child's parents concealed this. And the school just came to know that there were children infected with COVID-19. After the county health department, which coordinated data with local laboratories, asked if the child had been quarantined. “In this case, both the school and the health authorities received misinformation from the parents of the child. This puts people in high-risk, long-term exposure,” said county health officer Dr Matt Willis. He pointed out that this was not just a violation of ethics. and also violates the law This may result in the child's parents being fined or criminally prosecuted. Marin County has rules for people infected with COVID-19. Must self-isolate for at least 10 days. Public health authorities were notified by laboratories on Nov. 8 that a child had contracted COVID-19. Therefore contacted the family to follow up with close contacts. But when calling for the first time Parents refused to disclose where their children studied. The officers tried to call and ask again several times, but they didn't get a call back. therefore have to search for information by yourself until you know and contact the school The principal spoke to the parents of the children who had been infected. But they claim that "I don't understand the rules as I should" and I don't know if my child will be quarantined if they test positive for coronavirus. The school sent a message to the parents of students on the night of Nov. 18, prompting their children to be tested for COVID-19. the next day A total of eight students were found to be infected with the coronavirus, including the first student and his siblings. and about 75 students were classified as high-risk people. Dr Willis said it was fortunate that the school had a rule for teachers and students to wear masks inside the building. There may be more infected people.”
Vložil: Where do you feel! Parents let child infected with coronavirus 'go to school for 7 days' causing classmates to quarantine v 05:41 dne 14.01.2022


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