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Chinese company announced that it will build a passenger rocket. It takes 1 hour to fly from Beijing to New York!
c6a47aa75c5965ce383fdc1decc2742b.jpg Space Transportation mobileสล็อตออนไลน์Gaming systems and money services are more stable, more accurate, accurate and meet international quality standards. Deposits and withdrawals using state-of-the-art automated systems, phone and you'll have fun and bet. This is especially true for slot games that have applications to play. To increase stability for playing uninterrupted Company," also known as Beijing Lingkong Tianxing Technology, told Chinese media. that is under development "Winged rocket" for space travel and transport connecting point-to-point It will be cheaper than satellite-carrying rockets and faster than traditional aircraft. from the presentation information published on the Company's website This plane will take off vertically. Eject yourself from gliding wings with booster rockets. and after the end of the journey It will land vertically on 3 legs. The space plane aims to provide fast transport between two points on Earth via suborbital travel and is fully reusable. Media cited Space Transportation interview stated that the flight will be able to fly from Beijing to New York City It only takes 1 hour. The company expects to test the booster rocket in 2023, and the trunk plane is likely to be ready around 2030.
Vložil: Chinese company announced that it will build a passenger rocket. It takes 1 hour to fly from Beijing to New York! v 04:57 dne 07.02.2022


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