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Corridor are small rural settlements
Scattered along the Wakhan Corridor are small rural settlements like Khandud (pictured), their simple houses made of stone, mud and timber. Some of the larger villages are connected by a single dirt track, often made impassible by the waters of the River Panj. "Very few people have their own car in the Wakhan, but we have community transport – as well as donkeys, and our feet, of course," said Azim Ziahee, a resident of the market town of Ishkashim, located 80km away at the Corridor's western end. "The Wakhan still remains very cut-off though. Some villages are more than four days' walk to Ishkashim. The nearest big town from here – Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan – is a three-day drive. The isolation keeps the corridor like a time capsule. We look over to the border towards Tajikistan, with its electricity, paved roads and mobile phone signal, and say that it's like looking 100 years into the future." (Credit: Simon Urwin) อ่านต่อได้ที่  :  โรงเรียนวัดหนองตาหลวง สาระน่ารู้  :  Genome
Vložil: Jenny v 10:28 dne 07.02.2022


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