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There was no phone signal
There was no phone signal, and as I stood on the Klondike Highway some 40km east of Dawson City, my car abandoned, it was possible that potential rescuers would not drive by for hours. However, within minutes of my breaking down, a Good Samaritan picked me up. As he drove me to my guesthouse in Dawson City, I realised that this had been part of the Dempster's charm all along: that whenever I'd come close to disaster, fortune smiled on me. Keep reading :  โรงเรียนบ้านยูงงาม Content :  เยื่อหุ้มหัวใจ
Vložil: Darren v 11:57 dne 19.04.2022


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vložil: Mike Rooney | 13:57 dne 30.01.2023

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