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The fourth year guard jumped fro
The fourth-year guard jumped from 7.8 points per game in 2020-21 to 17.3 points this past season, including averages of 22.0 points, 2.8 rebounds, 5.5 assists and a 41.5 percent mark from three in 30 starts. He'll likely be a key piece in the Blazers' retooling around Damian Lillard, assuming Portland is ready to open up its wallet to properly compensate him. Keep reading :  โรงเรียนบ้านเกาะนกเภา Content : เยอรมันเชพเพิร์ด
Vložil: Earland v 12:04 dne 18.05.2022


A very interesting topic that I have been looking at, I think this is one of the most important information for me. And I'm glad to read your post. Thanks for sharing! run 3
vložil: munmin | 11:03 dne 19.05.2022

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