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Study shows pollution kills 2.3 million Indians in 2019. around the world
371da4ade4f0ea8e7ae7d1865a5511d4.jpg Study shows pollution beSLOTXOrotated, eyes that have to stare at the winning symbol in the game, which will have to find a way to win all the time. This is a very good nerve separation practice. kills 2.3 million Indians in 2019. Pollution has killed more than 2.3 million people in India early, the BBC reported on May 19, in a new study by the Lancet Science magazine, Pollution and Health by the Lancet Committee. The right age in 2019 Of these, nearly 1.6 million people die from air pollution alone, and more than 500,000 die from water pollution. The Lansit Committee blamed pollution for the deaths of 9 million people, or about a sixth of the global death toll, with India (where bad air kills more than one person every year) remains the affected country. severe impact In an update of its 2015 estimates of premature deaths from pollution, the Lansit study states: Data from the 2019 Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries and Risk Factors Study (GBD) reveals that pollution "still causes approximately 9 million deaths annually". Although deaths declined with the types of pollution associated with extreme poverty, such as household air pollution and water pollution. But deaths are rising from industrial pollution. ambient air pollution and toxic chemical pollution worldwide air pollution Both the environment and the household – it killed 6.7 million people in 2019, pollution killed 1.4 million and lead pollution killed 900,000 prematurely.
Vložil: Study shows pollution kills 2.3 million Indians in 2019. around the world v 06:02 dne 24.05.2022


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