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Austria reports first case of monkeypox, UK has spread the virus in the country
48475f6420963bcfa62e5ba6d1165319.jpg Austria reports first case of Many people who are unsuccessful in gaming XO Slots At some point, onexo walletfactor comes from the players. Don't set a goal to be clear, put money to spin aimlessly, because you think there's a formula in your hand, you can do whatever you want, and in fact, those formulas or techniques are just one element that will lead the player to victory. There's another important element that players should put first: set goals to play first. monkeypox, UK has spread the virus in the country Austria found the country's first suspected case of monkeypox on May 21. The ORF television station cited the release of health officials saying that The patient is a 35-year-old man living in Vienna. was sent to the hospital last night on May 21 The patient had general symptoms such as a mild fever and pustules on his face. The results of the tests revealed whether he had smallpox on Sunday evening. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said on May 22 it had confirmed an outbreak of monkeypox in the country. or an infected person found to be unrelated to an infected person arriving from Africa. Susan Hopkins, a UKHSA medical advisor, said new cases were seen every year. Day and more new cases will be reported on May 23. However, Hopkins declined to confirm reports that one patient had to be admitted to the ICU. but stated that the epidemic was concentrated in the urban zone and in the group of men who love men or bisexual However, Hopkins said the risk to the public was still very low at this time, but people should be careful. While adult patients will have few symptoms. The first cases of monkeypox were announced on May 7 among people returning from Nigeria. countries of europe including North America The World Health Organization says it has now spread outside of Africa in 12 countries.
Vložil: Austria reports first case of monkeypox, UK has spread the virus in the country v 05:11 dne 30.05.2022


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vložil: anonym | 07:42 dne 23.11.2024

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