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The film might have been livelier
The film might have been livelier if it featured more people in more locations, but it raises the suspicion that Cronenberg simply didn't have the budget to realise his vision in the detail he wanted. There's a nice joke about performance artists being superstars, but most buskers draw larger crowds than Saul and Caprice ever do, and every street and room they visit is all but empty. Of course, Cronenberg might have been aiming to conjure up a barren featureless dystopia, but it seems more likely that his team found some dingy, empty buildings in Greece, where the film was shot, and didn't have the money to fill them with furniture or decoration. อ่านต่อได้ที่  :  โรงเรียนบ้านชัฏหนองหมี สาระน่ารู้  :  Dysplasia 
Vložil: pink v 09:47 dne 30.05.2022


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vložil: AzuraJobs | 09:56 dne 30.05.2022

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