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A woman masquerading as a man for almost 40 years to keep her daughter safe. after being heavily threatened
A woman masquerading as a man for almost 40 years to keep her daughter safe. after being heavily threatened Tears are flowing! ASLOTXOwoman Bonus Features – Bonus features are available on many slot machines in today's casinos. Bonus features include wildcards or symbols and free spins. masquerading as a man for almost 40 years to keep her daughter safe. after being heavily threatened by the patriarchal society For nearly 40 years, a 57-year-old Tamil Nadu woman has resorted to disguising herself as a man so that she can raise her daughter alone in a patriarchal society. After losing her husband to a heart attack When she told the truth of the dramatic story, it went viral online. Unfolding strong, the heroine has just launched and is in love addicted to poor workers Big pile of leather S Petchjiammal was married for only 15 days, but her husband suddenly died of a heart attack. She was only 20 years old at the time and was pregnant with a young daughter. shortly after giving birth She decided not to marry again. Start doing various tasks to earn money. But being a single mother in the village of Kattunayakkanpatti in Tamil Nadu india which is an ancient society with patriarchy A man's dominance is difficult. She began to work hard at construction sites, hotels and teahouses. But she had to face being harassed by the villagers. harassment and mocking every day, so she decided that she needed to make a big change. One day to end suffering Petchjiammal traveled to Tiruchendur Murugan Temple in Tiruchendur. ready to cut hair Take off the saree, change into a shirt and wear a loong ki or Indian style sarong. Then change her name to Mutu so that she becomes like a man. Later, she took her daughter to start a new life somewhere. Petchjiammal said in an interview with The News India Express that “more than 20 years ago We settled in Kattunayakkanpatti. Only a few close relatives and my daughter knew I was a girl. I have done all kinds of work since working as a painter. The master makes tea, making roti parotta dough. I save every baht and every satang. To make sure we have a safe and secure life for my daughter. After many years Mutu became my identity.” unbelievable Petchjiammal has been able to conceal her true identity for more than three decades. Her daughter grew up and married a husband whose family was relatively financially sound, so she no longer needed to hide. She recently decided to reveal her true self and has been admired by millions across India. However, Petchjeammal is not yet ready to change her dress or identity. She didn't want to go back to her life. “For over 36 years disguising myself as a man has given my daughter a safe life. So I want to be Mutu until the day I die.” In addition, Petchjeammal currently has no home. no savings and unable to obtain a widow certificate “I'm too old to work. I therefore ask the government to provide me with financial assistance.” Petchjiammal recently received her MGNREGA event card registration number card on her feminine identity. But according to Aadhaar National Central Card Database, Ration Card and Voter ID Card. she is still a man
Vložil: A woman masquerading as a man for almost 40 years to keep her daughter safe. after being heavily threatened v 05:28 dne 31.05.2022


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