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And while some workers are having their careers re-routed, others are experiencing disappointing delays. Cathy had to stop work for 14 months and leave a master’s course mid-way through after contracting Covid-19 in March 2020. The 40-year-old self-employed marketing consultant from Stockport, UK, was suffering from heart pain, fatigue, breathlessness, headaches, confusion and dizziness. “I couldn’t even walk 50 metres in my garden,” she says, let alone stare “at a screen for more than five minutes at a time”. อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดหลักช้าง สาระสำคัญ   lungs
Vložil: And while some wo v 09:15 dne 21.06.2022


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