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The artist who likes to blow things up
"Everything just sort of weaves together," Parker tells BBC Culture, reflecting on the sight of so much of her life's creative effort gathered in one place. "The Tate owns all my major works, so they just had to get them out of the old archive. I've got a piece where I wrap Rodin's The Kiss up in string. They own The Kiss, and they'll allow me to re-enact my work." Re-enactment is a crucial aspect of Parker's imagination and art, which often ropes our eyes into seeing familiar objects as if for the first time. In 2003 she intervened in French sculptor Auguste Rodin's iconic marble depiction of adulterous lovers from Dante's Inferno – among the Tate's many treasures – by wrapping the famous marble canoodle in a mile of string, and wryly rechristening it The Distance (A Kiss with String Attached). อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม> โรงเรียนวัดโบราณาราม สาระน่ารู้> ชีพจร
Vložil: Phoenix v 10:04 dne 22.06.2022


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