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Pro vložení Vašeho dotazu - založte prosím nové téma zde
well as the transformation of young men into killing machines
Kubrick's fascination with war actually dates back to his debut outing as a director, 1953's Fear and Desire, which he made when he was just 24 years old. Set during an unnamed dispute, Fear and Desire revolves around four soldiers who crash-land behind enemy lines, and somehow have to find their way back to base. Even though he would later disown it as "a bumbling amateur film exercise," Kubrick would continue to explore Fear and Desire's brutal yet tender look at the human and mental cost of conflict. อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม> โรงเรียนน้ำตกห้วยสวนพลู สาระน่ารู้> ท้อง
Vložil: Morgan v 09:47 dne 24.06.2022


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