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How China is creating new foods in space
They are a variety known as Luyuan 502 and are China's second most widely grown type of wheat. The plants were bred from seeds that were flown into orbit 200 miles (340km) above the Earth's surface. Here, in the unique low gravity environment and outside the protective magnetic shield of our planet, they picked up subtle changes to DNA that gave them new qualities that made them more tolerant to drought and able to better resist certain diseases. อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม> โรงเรียนวัดเขาปิ่นทอง สาระน่ารู้> ความโกรธ
Vložil: Jeannette v 10:00 dne 11.07.2022


The advancements and innovations that China is undertaking in this field highlight their commitment to space exploration and sustaining astronauts' well-being during long-duration space missions. Available here https://mobleyunitedcleanings.com/ Home Cleaning Services in Maplewood NJ
vložil: James | 07:53 dne 07.06.2023

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