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How Better Call Saul bettered Breaking Bad
One idea was to make it a 30-minute sitcom. "It would have taken place in Saul's office and you'd basically have a bunch of crazy people come in," explains Gould. But it didn't feel right. Nothing felt right. And after a while they both came to "the very scary conclusion", says Gilligan, that Saul Goodman is not a guy to build a show around. "He's too happy-go-lucky," he adds, "too comfortable in his own skin", anathema to drama. Instead, they had to work backwards from Saul – who, as revealed in Breaking Bad, is really called Jimmy McGill. Who is Saul Goodman? Who did he used to be? Yet the most important question, the one that would unlock the entire show, came from Gould. "He went quiet for a while," recalls Gilligan. "Then he said, 'What problem does becoming Saul Goodman solve?'" อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม> โรงเรียนบ้านหนองโก สาระน่ารู้> ยืดหยุ่น
Vložil: Malinda v 10:33 dne 11.07.2022


Your article is great, thank you for sharing this useful information with me and everyone.
vložil: 5 letter words | 10:35 dne 11.07.2022

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