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Includes the ureter
Includes the ureter, bladder, urethra, its structure except the urethra. They are very similar. The walls of the urinary tract consist of mucous membranes. muscles and outer connective tissue The mucous membrane is formed by the transitional epithelium and its own layer. transitional epithelium Cells of the superficial layer of the transitional epithelium. are round or dome shaped Plasma lemma of the distal end of these cells. There are special polygon plates. Due to the creation of a microfold network อ่านเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดหน้าเขา นานาสาระ ท่อไต
Vložil: Nong_Omyim v 08:31 dne 26.08.2022


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