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A US man who spent nearly four decades in prison for murder has been released after new DNA evidence pointed to a different person. Maurice Hastings served more than 38 years in state prison for the 1983 murder of Roberta Wydermyer in California and two attempted murders. But new DNA evidence instead pointed to another man who died in prison i อ่านได้ที่>>โรงเรียนวัดสวนขัน นานาสาระ>>สุนัข
Vložil: California v 10:18 dne 29.10.2022


Rivaj sells amazing cosmetics and related products like makeup brush kit and the best makeup brushes So grab the best makeup brushes today and enjoy. Their makeup brushes are truly unbeatable and offer a high degree of satisfaction. Rivaj offers the best makeup brushes price in Pakistan to their customers daily.
vložil: Rivaj | 07:56 dne 08.11.2022

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