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IAEA re-enters Ukraine Examine Russia's Claims to Use Dirty Bombs
vT4O7a.jpg IAEA inspectors re-entered Ukraine in lessxo walletthan a week to inspect two sites Russia claims Ukraine is using as operational centers. "Dirty bomb" On October 25, 2022, the BBC reported that the International Atomic Energy Agency or IAEA of the United Nations. Sent investigators to two areas in Ukraine, where Russia claims Ukraine is preparing to make a "Dirty Bomb". JPMorgan CEO Warns of More Worrying recession Petrol prices today (27 Oct. 65) check the latest diesel-gasohol prices. Asian media revealed another clip, the moment before Hu Jintao was acquitted, Xi Jinping reiterated his suspicions. ADVERTISEMENT IAEA director Rafael Grossi said inspectors had returned to the area. At the request of the Ukrainian side Meanwhile, Russia has not provided any evidence of the claim. and was rejected by NATO Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine Identify Russia itself as preparing to attack with this weapon. for dirty bombs It contains radioactive material, such as uranium, which is dispersed in the air when it explodes. without the need for highly refined radioactive materials as used in nuclear bombs Which is why dirty bombs are cheaper and easier to move.
Vložil: IAEA re-enters Ukraine Examine Russia's Claims to Use Dirty Bombs v 05:44 dne 01.11.2022


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