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The single site that embodies Berlin
Tempelhof (as the former airport was known, and as most Berliners call the site) has played a starring role in some of Europe's deepest horrors and greatest triumphs. It's where the past, present and future of the city constantly converse and negotiate with each other. You go to the Brandenburg Gate or Berlin Wall to see Berlin, but you go to Tempelhof to fall in love with it. In a city that's always becoming and never being, there is no better place than here for travellers to feel the spirit of one of the world's most vibrant and libertine capitals and to truly understand why people find it so addictive. อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม> โรงเรียนวัดหนองพันจันทร์ สาระน่ารู้> วิทยาศาสตร์
Vložil: The single site that embodies Berlin v 06:21 dne 01.11.2022


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