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Kentucky State University has a pawpaw programm
Indeed, it seems that pawpaws are becoming more and more fashionable. Tim Luscher of Sig Luscher Brewery in Frankfort, Kentucky, crafts pawpaw beer. Alicia Burton of Jeptha Creed Distillery in Shelbyville, Kentucky, makes pawpaw brandy. Chef and culinary educator Sara Bir recently wrote The Pocket Pawpaw Cookbook. "At their best, pawpaws are custardy. Therefore, I love them in baked custards and chilled, dairy-based desserts," she said. "They also do well in tropically inspired savoury foods – a pawpaw beurre blanc spiked with habanero pepper to serve with shrimp, say." And Minnesota-based chef Alan Bergo, a noted forager and hunter of obscure wild foods, has taken a shine to the fruit, sharing recipes for pawpaw panna cotta and pawpaw cheesecake on his website. อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม> โรงเรียนบ้านสันดอน สาระน่ารู้> กำจัดขน
Vložil: Kentucky State University has a pawpaw programm v 08:16 dne 27.12.2022


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