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towards dating and sex have evolved from
A situationship gives name to a hard-to-define stage of dating that experts say has skyrocketed in popularity among Gen Z. “Right now, this solves some kind of need for sex, intimacy, companionship – whatever it is – but this does not have necessarily a long-term time horizon,” says Elizabeth Armstrong, a sociology professor at the University of Michigan, US, whose research centres on sexuality and situationships, specifically. People are increasingly embracing the relationship classification: the term has hit an all-time high in Google search traffic this year, after starting to gain notable traction late in 2020. There’s a worldwide interest in situationships, across ethnicities, genders and sexual orientations, adds Armstrong. อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม> โรงเรียนบ้านสันดอน สาระน่ารู้> ภาวะซึมเศร้า
Vložil: towards dating and sex have evolved from v 07:45 dne 28.12.2022


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