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mpossible to list every social project the community
Across town, 50 Bugginger Strasse is the address of one of the city’s most ambitious rejuvenation projects. The 16-storey high-rise looming overhead appears unremarkable, with its mixture of green- and aqua-panelled external balconies the only eye-catching elements. But Philipp explains that this is, in fact, the world's first passive energy high-rise, in which heat is produced from internal appliances, body heat, and things like lightbulbs rather than conventional heating systems. อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม> โรงเรียนบ้านห้วยทรายขาว สาระน่ารู้> ขา
Vložil: mpossible to list every social project the community v 04:37 dne 29.12.2022


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vložil: Kevin | 10:07 dne 04.01.2023

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