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the recycling and solid waste treatment plant
The town also has an onsite recycling plant that converts all its plastic into rubbish bags, clothes and hangers; and, as I found out during lunch one day, it sources 40% of its food locally. El Gouna Farm plays a key role in this latter endeavour, producing olive oil, dates, jojoba oil (to be used in skin and hair products), wool and meat (visitors can arrange tours by talking to their hotel reception). The eight lagoons of the town's fish farm provide fresh seafood, while the various hotel gardens grow herbs and vegetables: think fragrant thyme, basil, mint and coriander; bounties of garlic and spring onions; and trees laden with pomegranates, mangoes and figs. อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม> โรงเรียนวัดเขาปิ่นทอง สาระน่ารู้> รองเท้า
Vložil: the recycling and solid waste treatment plant v 06:33 dne 29.12.2022


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