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You'll love Paper io!
Voodoo's new polished PvP survival game is called paper io. The goal of the game is simple: spread your zone over as much of the board as you can without getting killed. Sounds easy, doesn't it? But we can give you a few tips and tricks to keep your go from being cut short. Use your cards well. No, I don't mean to load a CGG or clean a deck of cards. I mean that you can only do a few moves, so it all comes down to when you use them. The goal of the game is to get as much space as you can, but that doesn't mean you have to keep growing all the time. Take your time building up your small area. You don't need to risk huge growth as soon as you get there. Know your opponent. Everyone in the game is your enemy, no matter when they joined. All of these people will try to either kill you or steal your zone. So, everyone on screen, no matter how small, could be dangerous. Know your environment. Every map is the same: a big white canvas with rounded corners. So remember where on this canvas you start. If you spawn in the middle, players will come at you from every direction, so it's best to spawn near the edges. Key is to be patient. If you see someone growing, don't just rush at them without thinking. Instead, stay in your zone and try to lure them out. When someone is at home, it's hard to kill them. You have to wait for them to show you where they are and then strike. Remember that attacking someone will also lead back to you, so don't try to kill people far from your home.
Vložil: lisapurnellsw v 09:53 dne 09.01.2023


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vložil: anonym | 07:41 dne 21.10.2024

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