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There are plenty of autistic people who still engage
In fact, many autistic children are labelled "fussy eaters". One large study found seven out of 10 had atypical eating behaviours, the most common being limited food preferences. Research also shows that children with autism are extremely sensitive to flavours, smell and textures. It's that sensory perception aspect again and, for me, it's relatable. After that initial restrictive food period during childhood, I am now addicted to a variety of highly spiced foods containing chilli and garlic. However, I still find it difficult to eat a chopped egg sandwich without adding crisps for textured crunch, and just the thought of white fish in a white sauce on mashed potato makes me queasy. อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม> โรงเรียนวัดแหลมทอง สาระน่ารู้> ผมร่วง
Vložil: There are plenty of autistic people who still engage v 08:16 dne 10.01.2023


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