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Those who did not trust their government were five
El Hilali now has nearly 200,000 subscribers on YouTube, where she tries to lead her online audience through the science around vaccines. In one video lecture titled "Our Extraordinary Immune System", El Hilali describes her research into a genetic trait that may cause some people's bodies to react too aggressively to Covid-19. "People with HLA-DRB1 have an aggressive immune system," El Hilali explains. To make the science relatable, she used the analogy of a Fiat driving at 60km/h (37mph) and a Ferrari driving at 300km/h (186mph). "As for the Ferrari, a crash would be fatal, but the Fiat that goes slowly will easily (avoid) the crash." อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม> โรงเรียนบ้านควนตม สาระน่ารู้> ที่ทำงาน
Vložil: Those who did not trust their government were five v 07:58 dne 11.01.2023


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