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Best Eye Hospital in Delhi, India
Save Sight Centre is the best eye hospital in Delhi, located in Adarsh Nagar. From routine exams to complex surgeries, we cover a wide range of treatments like LASIK procedures such as Femto LASIK, SBK, and TransPRK/Flapless. We excel in cataractremoval with options like Phaco, MICS, Multifocal lenses, and Trifocal lenses. We provide Vitreo-Retinal treatments, Diabetic Retinopathy treatments, and Uveitis treatments, and employ advanced technologies like OCT, lasers, Pentacam, and B-scan. Trust our experienced team for exceptional Glaucoma treatments, Pediatric Ophthalmology, and Squint Eye treatments. Save Sight Centre has treated 2,60,000+ eyes for 12+ years. We rank among the top 10 Eye Hospitals in Delhi. Visit: https://www.savesightcentre.com/
Vložil: Save Sight Centre v 05:40 dne 20.09.2023


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vložil: siya | 08:21 dne 22.09.2023

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