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Office 365 to Office 365 Mailbox Migration
Are you looking for a reliable and efficient method to perform tenant-to-tenant migration in Office 365? If so, then you've come to the right place! In this post, I'll share my tried-and-true method for performing tenant-to-tenant migrations. First, you need to identify the source and target tenants. Then, set up a trust relationship between the two tenants if one doesn't already exist. You can do this by using PowerShell cmdlets. Once the trust relationship is established, you can begin moving mailboxes from one tenant to another. This can be done via an automated process or manually, depending on your needs. Finally, don't forget to clean up your environments once the migration is complete. This includes removing any additional domains and user accounts that may have been created during the process. Read on for detailed procedure: Tenant to Tenant Migration I hope this information has been helpful! Good luck with your migration – let me know if you have any questions along the way. Read More: Google Workspace to Office 365 Migration | Import PST to Office 365
Vložil: Stuartjames7845 v 09:44 dne 20.09.2023


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