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5HPX6 05HPX6 AMD Ryzen 5 3450U Quad Core 2.1GHz For Dell Inspiron 3505 Motherboard
5HPX6 05HPX6 AMD Ryzen 5 3450U Quad Core 2.1GHz For Dell Inspiron 3505 Motherboard

5HPX6 05HPX6 AMD Ryzen 5 3450U Quad Core 2.1GHz For Dell Inspiron 3505 Motherboard Compatible Dell Laptops / Notebooks: -Inspiron 3505 Dell P/N: 5HPX6, 05HPX6 Includes: On-board AMD Ryzen 5 3450U @ 2.10GHz Quad Core CPU Turbo Max: 3.5GHz Part Number 5HPX6 Condition Refurbished Chipset AMD Video Graphics Integrated Wholesale please email: sales@motherboard-world.com Warm Tips: For efficient response, please send e-mail to the corresponding mail box. Motherboard-World.com is professional Motherboards trading and Motherboards wholesale provider, mainly focused on replacement Motherboards for dell,hp,lenovo,Acer and ASUS server workstation components. School & Government Purchases If you are a school or government agency we can accept purchase orders. Please Source: 5HPX6 05HPX6 AMD Ryzen 5 3450U Quad Core 2.1GHz For Dell Inspiron 3505 Motherboard LCD SCREEN Power Supply Motherboard World Parts Dell Parts Country
Vložil: 5HPX6 05HPX6 AMD Ryzen 5 3450U Quad Core 2.1GHz For Dell Inspiron 3505 Motherboard v 16:26 dne 23.06.2024


A Nashville Detox Center is a facility that offers comprehensive detox services for individuals battling addiction. These centers provide a supportive environment where patients can safely detox from substances under medical supervision, offering both physical and emotional support during the recovery process. Nashville Detox Center
vložil: anonym | 06:58 dne 07.12.2024

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