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Krishna Shama Rao
The goal of the surgical specialism known as facial reconstruction is to restore the structure and function of the face after trauma, cancer treatment, or birth abnormalities. In order to restore vital functions like speaking, breathing, and chewing as well as to achieve a natural appearance, this challenging therapy involves rebuilding the skin, soft tissues, and face bones. Complex procedures including tissue grafting, microsurgery, and 3D modelling are usually needed to accurately duplicate facial features. In order to address both functional and cosmetic problems and get the greatest results, surgeons work in interdisciplinary teams. In addition to providing physical restoration, facial reconstruction promotes social ties and self-esteem, which helps people regain their normalcy and quality of life. Facial Reconstruction
Vložil: Learning Techniques for Facial Reconstruction: From Surgery to Rehabilitation v 10:56 dne 09.12.2024


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