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Building an Author Platform for Book Marketing
I’m an aspiring author, and I’ve heard a lot about building an author platform. From what I understand, it’s essential for successful Top book marketing services. But I’m not sure where to start. What are some key strategies for building a strong author platform? Should I start with a blog, YouTube channel, or social media accounts? I know engaging with readers is crucial, but how do you create authentic connections that translate into book sales? If you’ve already built your platform, what advice would you give? Did you focus more on content creation, or did you use paid promotions? I’d love to hear your insights!
Vložil: Building an Author Platform for Book Marketing v 17:37 dne 09.12.2024


Author platform are a great place where have a people share own best knowledge a with a public into a shape of books and do its book selling with a proper information. Exterior Painting in Tsawwassen BC
vložil: jackwillow | 19:01 dne 09.12.2024

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