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Avoid using a kitchen knife
Avoid using a kitchen knife to cut fruit. Since kitchen knives often come into contact with meat, fish and vegetables, they can carry parasites or helminth eggs to the fruit. make people infected with parasitic disease Especially rust on kitchen knives and the tannic acid contained in apples. will cause a chemical reaction This will make the color, smell and taste of the apple worse. อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม> โรงเรียนบ้านหนองขาม สาระน่ารู้> กิน
Vložil: johnnywoo v 11:13 dne 07.07.2021


vložil: anonym | 09:14 dne 15.01.2023
I think it's safe, but personally, I only use it for cooking. I've seen people use forks and butter knives to loosen and loosen things, shave and reuse tools. I hate him very much. I don't even use a knife to burn the stove and hammer it. What are you afraid of that you don't think is dangerous? Please wash with a knife as there is a risk of bacteria and plastic bottles. Check out the best t-dolls available & home makeover game to learn more about the safety and have fun
vložil: Safety | 08:49 dne 28.07.2021

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