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To start your sea adventure you must visit any Runescape port
Burthorpe's walls would contain an library, a small museum, and learning facilities. There could be a nearby school. Burthorpe is also plagued by a problem. The only bank is located in Burthorpe, and I'm not including Burthorpe as the Warriors Guild. It is located in the Thieves den. This isn't a good idea for the capital city. There would be North and South banks. What city attractions could you think of? A minigame in the Barracks is an excellent idea. A good area for smithing to make weapons and armour. Good specialist shops would also be great. You're free to choose. Thank you for reading! RuneScape should encourage friendship and not violence. The attack emote should change to a hug one, and the HP bar to the love one. The love meter must be filled until we can hug animals. Then we will be rewarded. This is a safer alternative to using violence. The friends list encourages children that it is okay to speak to strangers. It's a shame! One person can have up to 200 potential dangerous strangers. GROUPS IS EVIL If you want to know more about Rsorder RS Gold, please visit https://www.rsorder.com/
Vložil: nfkjasfas v 08:29 dne 02.08.2021


vložil: anonym | 10:58 dne 15.01.2023

strana: 1 (celkem: 1)

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