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Inflammation of the ovaries in the fallopian tubes Fallopian tube ovarian cysts and chronic inflammation of the pelvic connective tissue. How does pelvic inflammatory disease cause menstrual infections? During menstruation, the cervix opens slightly. The inner lining of the uterus is peeled off. Menstrual blood is excreted through the cervix. and a large number of blood clots These create favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria. อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม> โรงเรียนบ้านคลองสุข สาระน่ารู้> วิธีป้องกัน
Vložil: aom v 09:33 dne 28.08.2021


vložil: anonym | 12:39 dne 15.01.2023
Thank you for sharing a very nice piece of information, I hope you will share more. Little Alchemy
vložil: candy | 07:54 dne 30.08.2021

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